Next: SLA_ADDET - Add E-terms of Aberration
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SLA_ADDET - Add E-terms of Aberration
SLA_AFIN - Sexagesimal character string to angle
SLA_ALTAZ - Velocities etc. for Altazimuth Mount
SLA_AMP - Apparent to Mean
SLA_AMPQK - Quick Apparent to Mean
SLA_AOP - Apparent to Observed
SLA_AOPPA - Appt-to-Obs Parameters
SLA_AOPPAT - Update Appt-to-Obs Parameters
SLA_AOPQK - Quick Appt-to-Observed
SLA_ATMDSP - Atmospheric Dispersion
SLA_AV2M - Rotation Matrix from Axial Vector
SLA_BEAR - Direction Between Points on a Sphere
SLA_CAF2R - Deg,Arcmin,Arcsec to Radians
SLA_CALDJ - Calendar Date to MJD
SLA_CALYD - Calendar to Year, Day
SLA_CC2S - Cartesian to Spherical
SLA_CC62S - Cartesian 6-Vector to Spherical
SLA_CD2TF - Days to Hour,Min,Sec
SLA_CLDJ - Calendar to MJD
SLA_CLYD - Calendar to Year, Day
SLA_COMBN - Next Combination
SLA_CR2AF - Radians to Deg,Arcmin,Arcsec
SLA_CR2TF - Radians to Hour,Min,Sec
SLA_CS2C - Spherical to Cartesian
SLA_CS2C6 - Spherical Pos/Vel to Cartesian
SLA_CTF2D - Hour,Min,Sec to Days
SLA_CTF2R - Hour,Min,Sec to Radians
SLA_DAF2R - Deg,Arcmin,Arcsec to Radians
SLA_DAFIN - Sexagesimal character string to angle
SLA_DAV2M - Rotation Matrix from Axial Vector
SLA_DBEAR - Direction Between Points on a Sphere
SLA_DBJIN - Decode String to B/J Epoch (DP)
SLA_DC62S - Cartesian 6-Vector to Spherical
SLA_DCC2S - Cartesian to Spherical
SLA_DCMPF - Interpret Linear Fit
SLA_DCS2C - Spherical to Cartesian
SLA_DD2TF - Days to Hour,Min,Sec
to Az,El
SLA_DEULER - Euler Angles to Rotation Matrix
SLA_DFLTIN - Decode a Double Precision Number
SLA_DH2E - Az,El to
SLA_DIMXV - Apply 3D Reverse Rotation
SLA_DJCAL - MJD to Gregorian for Output
SLA_DJCL - MJD to Year,Month,Day,Frac
SLA_DM2AV - Rotation Matrix to Axial Vector
SLA_DMAT - Solve Simultaneous Equations
SLA_DMOON - Approx Moon Pos/Vel
SLA_DMXM - Multiply
SLA_DMXV - Apply 3D Rotation
SLA_DPAV - Position-Angle Between Two Directions
SLA_DR2AF - Radians to Deg,Min,Sec,Frac
SLA_DR2TF - Radians to Hour,Min,Sec,Frac
SLA_DRANGE - Put Angle into Range
SLA_DRANRM - Put Angle into Range
SLA_DS2C6 - Spherical Pos/Vel to Cartesian
SLA_DS2TP - Spherical to Tangent Plane
SLA_DSEP - Angle Between 2 Points on Sphere
SLA_DT - Approximate ET minus UT
SLA_DTF2D - Hour,Min,Sec to Days
SLA_DTF2R - Hour,Min,Sec to Radians
SLA_DTP2S - Tangent Plane to Spherical
SLA_DTP2V - Tangent Plane to Direction Cosines
SLA_DTPS2C - Plate centre from
SLA_DTPV2C - Plate centre from
and x,y,z
SLA_DTT - TT minus UTC
SLA_DV2TP - Direction Cosines to Tangent Plane
SLA_DVDV - Scalar Product
SLA_DVN - Normalize Vector
SLA_DVXV - Vector Product
to Az,El
SLA_EARTH - Approx Earth Pos/Vel
SLA_ECLEQ - Ecliptic to Equatorial
SLA_ECOR - RV & Time Corrns to Sun
SLA_EG50 - B1950
to Galactic
SLA_EL2UE - Conventional to Universal Elements
SLA_EPB - MJD to Besselian Epoch
SLA_EPB2D - Besselian Epoch to MJD
SLA_EPCO - Convert Epoch to B or J
SLA_EPJ - MJD to Julian Epoch
SLA_EPJ2D - Julian Epoch to MJD
to Ecliptic
SLA_EQEQX - Equation of the Equinoxes
to Galactic
SLA_ETRMS - E-terms of Aberration
SLA_EULER - Rotation Matrix from Euler Angles
SLA_EVP - Earth Position & Velocity
SLA_FITXY - Fit Linear Model to Two
SLA_FK425 - FK4 to FK5
SLA_FK45Z - FK4 to FK5, no P.M. or Parallax
SLA_FK524 - FK5 to FK4
SLA_FK52H - FK5 to Hipparcos
SLA_FK54Z - FK5 to FK4, no P.M. or Parallax
SLA_FK5HZ - FK5 to Hipparcos, no P.M.
SLA_FLOTIN - Decode a Real Number
SLA_GALEQ - Galactic to J2000
SLA_GALSUP - Galactic to Supergalactic
SLA_GE50 - Galactic to B1950
SLA_GEOC - Geodetic to Geocentric
SLA_GMSTA - UT to GMST (extra precision)
SLA_GRESID - Gaussian Residual
SLA_H2E - Az,El to
SLA_H2FK5 - Hipparcos to FK5
SLA_HFK5Z - Hipparcos to FK5, no P.M.
SLA_IMXV - Apply 3D Reverse Rotation
SLA_INTIN - Decode an Integer Number
SLA_INVF - Invert Linear Model
SLA_KBJ - Select Epoch Prefix
SLA_M2AV - Rotation Matrix to Axial Vector
SLA_MAP - Mean to Apparent
SLA_MAPPA - Mean to Apparent Parameters
SLA_MAPQK - Quick Mean to Apparent
SLA_MAPQKZ - Quick Mean-Appt, no PM etc.
SLA_MOON - Approx Moon Pos/Vel
SLA_MXM - Multiply
SLA_MXV - Apply 3D Rotation
SLA_NUT - Nutation Matrix
SLA_NUTC - Nutation Components
SLA_OAP - Observed to Apparent
SLA_OAPQK - Quick Observed to Apparent
SLA_OBS - Observatory Parameters
to Parallactic Angle
SLA_PAV - Position-Angle Between Two Directions
SLA_PCD - Apply Radial Distortion
SLA_PDA2H - H.A. for a Given Azimuth
SLA_PDQ2H - H.A. for a Given P.A.
SLA_PERMUT - Next Permutation
SLA_PERTEL - Perturbed Orbital Elements
SLA_PERTUE - Perturbed Universal Elements
SLA_PLANEL - Planet Position from Elements
SLA_PLANET - Planetary Ephemerides
of Planet from Elements
SLA_PM - Proper Motion
SLA_POLMO - Polar Motion
SLA_PREBN - Precession Matrix (FK4)
SLA_PREC - Precession Matrix (FK5)
SLA_PRECES - Precession
SLA_PRECL - Precession Matrix (latest)
SLA_PRENUT - Precession/Nutation Matrix
SLA_PV2EL - Orbital Elements from Position/Velocity
SLA_PV2UE - Position/Velocity to Universal Elements
SLA_PVOBS - Observatory Position & Velocity
SLA_PXY - Apply Linear Model
SLA_RANDOM - Random Number
SLA_RANGE - Put Angle into Range
SLA_RANORM - Put Angle into Range
SLA_RCC - Barycentric Coordinate Time
SLA_RDPLAN - Apparent
of Planet
SLA_REFCO - Refraction Constants
SLA_REFCOQ - Refraction Constants (fast)
SLA_REFRO - Refraction
SLA_REFV - Apply Refraction to Vector
SLA_REFZ - Apply Refraction to ZD
SLA_RVEROT - RV Corrn to Earth Centre
SLA_RVGALC - RV Corrn to Galactic Centre
SLA_RVLG - RV Corrn to Local Group
SLA_RVLSRD - RV Corrn to Dynamical LSR
SLA_RVLSRK - RV Corrn to Kinematical LSR
SLA_S2TP - Spherical to Tangent Plane
SLA_SEP - Angle Between 2 Points on Sphere
SLA_SMAT - Solve Simultaneous Equations
SLA_SUBET - Remove E-terms
SLA_SUPGAL - Supergalactic to Galactic
SLA_SVD - Singular Value Decomposition
SLA_SVDCOV - Covariance Matrix from SVD
SLA_SVDSOL - Solution Vector from SVD
SLA_TP2S - Tangent Plane to Spherical
SLA_TP2V - Tangent Plane to Direction Cosines
SLA_TPS2C - Plate centre from
SLA_TPV2C - Plate centre from
and x,y,z
SLA_UE2EL - Universal to Conventional Elements
SLA_UE2PV - Pos/Vel from Universal Elements
SLA_UNPCD - Remove Radial Distortion
SLA_V2TP - Direction Cosines to Tangent Plane
SLA_VDV - Scalar Product
SLA_VN - Normalize Vector
SLA_VXV - Vector Product
SLA_WAIT - Time Delay
SLA_XY2XY - Apply Linear Model to an
to Zenith Distance
Next: SLA_ADDET - Add E-terms of Aberration
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SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library
Starlink User Note 67
P. T. Wallace
12 October 1999