DATE | D | UTC date/time (Modified Julian Date, JD-2400000.5) |
DUT | D | ![]() |
ELONGM | D | observer's mean longitude (radians, east +ve) |
PHIM | D | observer's mean geodetic latitude (radians) |
HM | D | observer's height above sea level (metres) |
XP,YP | D | polar motion ![]() |
TDK | D | local ambient temperature (degrees K; std=273.155D0) |
PMB | D | local atmospheric pressure (mB; std=1013.25D0) |
RH | D | local relative humidity (in the range 0D0-1D0) |
WL | D | effective wavelength (![]() |
TLR | D | tropospheric lapse rate (degrees K per metre, e.g. 0.0065D0) |
AOPRMS | D(14) | star-independent apparent-to-observed parameters: |
(1) | geodetic latitude (radians) | |
(2,3) | sine and cosine of geodetic latitude | |
(4) | magnitude of diurnal aberration vector | |
(5) | height (HM) | |
(6) | ambient temperature (TDK) | |
(7) | pressure (PMB) | |
(8) | relative humidity (RH) | |
(9) | wavelength (WL) | |
(10) | lapse rate (TLR) | |
(11,12) | refraction constants A and B (radians) | |
(13) | longitude + eqn of equinoxes +
``sidereal ![]() |
(14) | local apparent sidereal time (radians) |
HM=-29.3D0*TSL*LOG(P/1013.25D0)where TSL is the approximate sea-level air temperature in degrees K (see Astrophysical Quantities, C.W.Allen, 3rd edition, §52). Similarly, if the pressure P is not known, it can be estimated from the height of the observing station, HM as follows:
P=1013.25D0*EXP(-HM/(29.3D0*TSL))Note, however, that the refraction is proportional to the pressure and that an accurate P value is important for precise work.
SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library