; it falls off rapidly with distance from the
Sun and has shrunk to about
at an elongation of
As already described, the annual aberration
is a function of the Earth's velocity
relative to the solar system barycentre (available through the
SLALIB routine
and produces shifts of up to about
The precession/nutation, from J2000 to the current epoch, is expressed by a rotation matrix which is available through the SLALIB routine sla_PRENUT.
The whole mean-to-apparent transformation can be done using the SLALIB
sla_MAP. As a demonstration, here is a program which lists the
North Polar Distance () of Polaris for
the decade of closest approach to the Pole:
IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION PI,PIBY2,D2R,S2R,AS2R PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238462643D0) PARAMETER (D2R=PI/180D0, : PIBY2=PI/2D0, : S2R=PI/(12D0*3600D0), : AS2R=PI/(180D0*3600D0)) DOUBLE PRECISION RM,DM,PR,PD,DATE,RA,DA INTEGER J,IDS,IDE,ID,IYMDF(4),I DOUBLE PRECISION sla_EPJ2D CALL sla_DTF2R(02,31,49.8131D0,RM,J) CALL sla_DAF2R(89,15,50.661D0,DM,J) PR=+21.7272D0*S2R/100D0 PD=-1.571D0*AS2R/100D0 WRITE (*,'(1X,'// : '''Polaris north polar distance (deg) 2096-2105''/)') WRITE (*,'(4X,''Date'',7X''NPD''/)') CALL sla_CLDJ(2096,1,1,DATE,J) IDS=NINT(DATE) CALL sla_CLDJ(2105,12,31,DATE,J) IDE=NINT(DATE) DO ID=IDS,IDE,10 DATE=DBLE(ID) CALL sla_DJCAL(0,DATE,IYMDF,J) CALL sla_MAP(RM,DM,PR,PD,0D0,0D0,2000D0,DATE,RA,DA) WRITE (*,'(1X,I4,2I3.2,F9.5)') (IYMDF(I),I=1,3),(PIBY2-DA)/D2R END DO END
For cases where the transformation has to be repeated for different
times or for more than one star, the straightforward
approach is apt to be
wasteful as both the Earth velocity and the
precession/nutation matrix can be re-calculated relatively
infrequently without ill effect. A more efficient method is to
perform the target-independent calculations only when necessary,
by calling
and then to use either
when only the is known, or
when full catalogue positions, including proper motion, parallax and
radial velocity, are available. How frequently to call
depends on the accuracy objectives; once per
night will deliver sub-arcsecond accuracy for example.
The routines sla_AMP and sla_AMPQK allow the reverse transformation, from apparent to mean place.
SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library