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Using vectors

SLALIB provides conversions between spherical and vector form (sla_CS2C, sla_CC2S etc.), plus an assortment of standard vector and matrix operations (sla_VDV, sla_MXV etc.). There are also routines (sla_EULER etc.) for creating a rotation matrix from three Euler angles (successive rotations about specified Cartesian axes). Instead of Euler angles, a rotation matrix can be expressed as an axial vector (the pole of the rotation, and the amount of rotation), and routines are provided for this (sla_AV2M, sla_M2AV etc.).

Here is an example where spherical coordinates P1 and Q1 undergo a coordinate transformation and become P2 and Q2; the transformation consists of a rotation of the coordinate system through angles A, B and C about the z, new y and new z axes respectively:

            REAL A,B,C,R(3,3),P1,Q1,V1(3),V2(3),P2,Q2
      *  Create rotation matrix
            CALL sla_EULER('ZYZ',A,B,C,R)

      *  Transform position (P,Q) from spherical to Cartesian
            CALL sla_CS2C(P1,Q1,V1)

      *  Multiply by rotation matrix
            CALL sla_MXV(R,V1,V2)

      *  Back to spherical
            CALL sla_CC2S(V2,P2,Q2)

Small adjustments to the direction of a position vector are often most conveniently described in terms of $[\,\Delta x,\Delta y, \Delta z\,]$. Adding the correction vector needs careful handling if the position vector is to remain of length unity, an advisable precaution which ensures that the $[\,x,y,z\,]$ components are always available to mean the cosines of the angles between the vector and the axis concerned. Two types of shifts are commonly used, the first where a small vector of arbitrary direction is added to the unit vector, and the second where there is a displacement in the latitude coordinate (declination, elevation etc.) alone.

For a shift produced by adding a small $[\,x,y,z\,]$ vector ${\bf D}$ to a unit vector ${\bf V1}$, the resulting vector ${\bf V2}$ has direction $<{\bf V1}+{\bf D}\gt$ but is no longer of unit length. A better approximation is available if the result is multiplied by a scaling factor of $(1-{\bf D}\cdot{\bf V1})$, where the dot means scalar product. In Fortran:

            F = (1D0-(DX*V1X+DY*V1Y+DZ*V1Z))
            V2X = F*(V1X+DX)
            V2Y = F*(V1Y+DY)
            V2Z = F*(V1Z+DZ)

The correction for diurnal aberration (discussed later) is an example of this form of shift.

As an example of the second kind of displacement we will apply a small change in elevation $\delta E$ to an $[\,Az,El~]$ direction vector. The direction of the result can be obtained by making the allowable approximation ${\tan \delta E\approx\delta E}$ and adding a adjustment vector of length $\delta E$ normal to the direction vector in the vertical plane containing the direction vector. The z-component of the adjustment vector is $\delta E \cos E$,and the horizontal component is $\delta E \sin E$ which has then to be resolved into x and y in proportion to their current sizes. To approximate a unit vector more closely, a correction factor of $\cos \delta E$ can then be applied, which is nearly $(1-\delta E^2 /2)$ for small $\delta E$. Expressed in Fortran, for initial vector V1X,V1Y,V1Z, change in elevation DEL (+ve $\equiv$ upwards), and result vector V2X,V2Y,V2Z:

            COSDEL = 1D0-DEL*DEL/2D0
            R1 = SQRT(V1X*V1X+V1Y*V1Y)
            F = COSDEL*(R1-DEL*V1Z)/R1
            V2X = F*V1X
            V2Y = F*V1Y
            V2Z = COSDEL*(V1Z+DEL*R1)

An example of this type of shift is the correction for atmospheric refraction (see later). Depending on the relationship between $\delta E$ and E, special handling at the pole (the zenith for our example) may be required.

SLALIB includes routines for the case where both a position and a velocity are involved. The routines sla_CS2C6 and sla_CC62S convert from $[\theta,\phi,\dot{\theta},\dot{\phi}]$to $[\,x,y,z,\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z}\,]$ and back; sla_DCS26 and sla_DC62S are double precision equivalents.

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SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library
Starlink User Note 67
P. T. Wallace
12 October 1999