Here is an example where spherical coordinates P1 and Q1 undergo a coordinate transformation and become P2 and Q2; the transformation consists of a rotation of the coordinate system through angles A, B and C about the z, new y and new z axes respectively:
REAL A,B,C,R(3,3),P1,Q1,V1(3),V2(3),P2,Q2 : * Create rotation matrix CALL sla_EULER('ZYZ',A,B,C,R) * Transform position (P,Q) from spherical to Cartesian CALL sla_CS2C(P1,Q1,V1) * Multiply by rotation matrix CALL sla_MXV(R,V1,V2) * Back to spherical CALL sla_CC2S(V2,P2,Q2)
Small adjustments to the direction of a position vector are often most conveniently described in terms of . Adding the correction vector needs careful handling if the position vector is to remain of length unity, an advisable precaution which ensures that the components are always available to mean the cosines of the angles between the vector and the axis concerned. Two types of shifts are commonly used, the first where a small vector of arbitrary direction is added to the unit vector, and the second where there is a displacement in the latitude coordinate (declination, elevation etc.) alone.
For a shift produced by adding a small vector to a unit vector , the resulting vector has direction but is no longer of unit length. A better approximation is available if the result is multiplied by a scaling factor of , where the dot means scalar product. In Fortran:
F = (1D0-(DX*V1X+DY*V1Y+DZ*V1Z)) V2X = F*(V1X+DX) V2Y = F*(V1Y+DY) V2Z = F*(V1Z+DZ)
The correction for diurnal aberration (discussed later) is an example of this form of shift.
As an example of the second kind of displacement we will apply a small change in elevation to an direction vector. The direction of the result can be obtained by making the allowable approximation and adding a adjustment vector of length normal to the direction vector in the vertical plane containing the direction vector. The z-component of the adjustment vector is ,and the horizontal component is which has then to be resolved into x and y in proportion to their current sizes. To approximate a unit vector more closely, a correction factor of can then be applied, which is nearly for small . Expressed in Fortran, for initial vector V1X,V1Y,V1Z, change in elevation DEL (+ve upwards), and result vector V2X,V2Y,V2Z:
An example of this type of shift is the correction for atmospheric refraction (see later). Depending on the relationship between and E, special handling at the pole (the zenith for our example) may be required.
SLALIB includes routines for the case where both a position and a velocity are involved. The routines sla_CS2C6 and sla_CC62S convert from to and back; sla_DCS26 and sla_DC62S are double precision equivalents.
SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library