The programs on the HP1000 making use of continuum radiometry were written by many authors. They diverged over the years to produce groups of very similar programs, each optimised slightly differently by changes to the code.
The aim here is to converge on a miminum set of generalised algorithms for scanning, stepping and making small maps. These algorithms are optimised by means of input parameters that define their mode of operation.
The types of continuum observing modes meant by scanning, stepping and mapping are first defined.
Note that there is an ambiguity in terminology, in that for the NCCS, "scan" is used as a synonym for any type of observation, including spectroscopy and pulsar timing, but "scan" also means driving the telescope in a particular way, e.g. drift scan, declination scan etc., so that a "scan" (observation) can actually be made up of a number of "scans" (drives).
For ease of reference the programs that were in use on the HP1000 are briefly described and links provided to their code.
General algorithms for each type of observing are defined.