GPS (RINEX) data for TIGA observing stations
IGS precise ephemeris


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Currently we archive data for 7 TIGA/IGS stations in Australasia. The archive covers the period from January 1998 to present

  • (N) Designates a site newer than 6 months to the IGS.
  • (G) Designates a Global Stations.
  • (H) Designates a site offering hourly data.
  • (I) Designates a site offering IGLOS-PP (GPS/GLONASS).
  • The RINEX data is archived in the structure year/day (day of year). Therefore to retrieve data for (say) January 11, 2002, you should access the data stored under 2002/011. IGS products are stored per GPSweek.

     Please keep in mind that some stations tend to be later than others, especially those located on very remote sites. Data files which in general are not available after a week, probably means that the station involved was down for that period.

    The most recent log files for the IGS stations can be downloaded from here.

    Files with a .gz extention have been compressed with gzip. On UNIX or LINUX platforms they can be expanded with the 'uncompress' or 'gzip' command. There is a DOS gzip utility available for download.

  • Download Rinex GPS data
  • Download IGS Broadcast Ephemeris (Rinex)
  • Download IGS Precise ephemeris
  • Download TIGA (TOS) data holdings summary
  • Download complete data holdings summary
  • Download GZIP utility for DOS

  • Produced by Ludwig Combrinck 20 November 2001. Last Modified 13 February 2002.